Social Media Campaign
How decision makers catch interest in Female Board Pool

With the financial support of the Ministry of Equality between Women and Men, we worked out a social media campaign to draw attention to the International Female Board Pool and its LinkedIn group for decision makers. Most of us agree on equal rights for all genders, but when it comes to corporate governance and leadership positions, there’s still an imbalance, even if the valuable potential of women on the board of directors is scientifically proven. Sounds like a miracle? Following voices, there is only one countable hinder: the lack of knowledge about competent candidates and the existing service of a match-making facilitator, the International Female Board Pool in Luxembourg. That we might change. We used the personal statements from executives in leading positions, extracted facts and figures to sprinkle with hashtags we suggested, and added secondary colours for more variety to our clients’ visual identity. Finally, we worked out a range of images to roll out self-scheduled.
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Tagged #campaign, #socialmedia