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Made in Luxembourg
How our new layout changes perception of a cerficate

How can the value of a brand be maintained and strengthened in the long term? How can it evolve with the times and be in line with the times? Since the beginning, the ‘Made in Luxembourg’ initiative has a well-designed and recognizable logo. From campaign to campaign, the graphic appearance changed strategically. When it came to redesigning the certificates, we abandoned colour and put the label in the foreground. The white space around the logo improves the look of the certificate in business premises and exhibition areas. Our new layout saves toner in printing and reduces costs. A pleasant paper and handmade embossing enhance the certificate tangibly. We are happy our design studio and our ‘abced’ product range are certified. Have you already had the opportunity to talk to us about brand design and design management? In this context, please discover our graphics for the certificate hand-over ceremony. Don’t hesitate. Let’s talk.

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