Design Friends No 60
How passion for brand design results in a live talk with Thomas Kurppa
Did you attend this Design Friends talk? We hope you caught it. ‘Play with ideas for as long as they can, and keep all doors open for the great one’, Thomas Kurppa encourages his team. The founder and Chief Creative Officer of Kurppa Hosk, an international brand agency with 80+ employees and offices in Stockholm and New York, surprised Claudia at cxi conference in Germany. Convinced that sharing is the way to go, she invites him with Design Friends for a talk on ‘business artistry’, the way he calls it. These passion and fun talks require attention, presence and time, and we appreciate an engagement of all parties. Almost twelve months and many Covid-19 restrictions later, the idea results in an inspiring lecture, conntected via Zoom, at the auditorium of Mudam, the contemporary art museum of Luxembourg. Thanks to colleagues, partners and supporters of Design Friends, and finally, our speaker! Here, we show Claudia’s visual interpretation of Thomas Kurppa’s creative approach, a monographic catalogue published by Design Friends.
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